What Are The Warning Signs You Need Furnace Repair This Winter?
Posted on:
12 December 2022
As winter approaches, it is important for homeowners to be aware of the signs that their furnace needs repair. A malfunctioning furnace can cause discomfort and an increase in energy bills, so taking care of any problems before the cold weather arrives is essential. In this article we go over the common signs that you may need to call a professional to perform a repair on your furnace:
Strange Noises
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What Do Air Conditioning Installation Services Consider When Designing Your AC?
Posted on:
28 November 2022
If you're in the market for a new air conditioning unit, you probably have many questions. How big should the unit be? What type of unit is best for your home? How much will it cost to install? The list goes on and on. While there's no one-size-fits-all answer to these questions, there are certain factors that all air conditioning installation services will consider when designing your AC system:
1. Space to Be Cooled
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3 Repairs Your Furnace Might Need If It's Noisy
Posted on:
1 November 2022
Furnaces often become louder as they get older. It's common for homeowners to hear their older furnaces making noise and just shrug it off, perhaps with a comment like "well, that's how old furnaces are." But the thing is, the specific issues that cause older furnaces to be loud are usually quite easy for an HVAC contractor to repair. Here's a look at three possible explanations for the noise and how they can be fixed.
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How A Heating Maintenance Technician Cleans The Furnace Blower So It Can Blow Heat Into Your Home
Posted on:
28 September 2022
Annual heating maintenance gets your furnace ready for another cold winter. There are several parts of the furnace that need to be serviced and cleaned, and one important part is the blower. The blower runs all summer along with the AC, and it also runs when you just use the fan, so by winter it could be clogged with dust. Here's how a heating maintenance technician might go about cleaning the blower fan.
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