Using Your Well To Power An Energy-Efficient Heating System: What You Need To Know About Open-Loop Geothermal Heating

Posted on: 28 September 2022

If you have a well on your property and you're looking for an energy-efficient way to keep your home comfortably warm during the winter, you should consider installing an open-loop geothermal heat pump. Traditional heat pumps absorb heat from the outside air, while open-loop geothermal heat pumps absorb heat from the water inside your well. During the coldest days of winter, the temperature of the water in your well will be much warmer than the temperature of the outside air, making a geothermal system much more efficient.

With its better efficiency, a geothermal system will substantially reduce your home's heating bills during the winter. When your home already has a well on the property, installing an open-loop geothermal system will often be the simplest way to take advantage of this increased efficiency. To learn more about how they work and the advantages of having an open-loop system installed, read on.

How Does an Open-Loop Geothermal Heat Pump Work?

An open-loop geothermal heating system constantly pumps water from your well to a heat exchanger in the heat pump. The refrigerant used by the heat pump circulates through small copper coils in the heat exchanger.

The refrigerant will absorb heat from the well water that's entering the heat exchanger. After being heated, the refrigerant will flow into another set of coils near a blower fan. The fan will blow air over the coils, circulating warm air around your home.

After the refrigerant has absorbed all of the heat from the well water, it will be discharged from the heat exchanger, and new water from your well will be brought in. The continuous circulation of groundwater keeps the temperatures inside the heat exchanger warm enough for the heat pump to warm your home very efficiently.

What Are the Advantages of Installing an Open-Loop Geothermal Heat Pump?

The primary advantage of installing any geothermal heating system is its improved efficiency over most other forms of heating. When you have a well on your property, installing an open-loop system is often the best choice due to the fact that it's very easy to install.

Most geothermal heating systems are closed-loop systems. The water used to warm the refrigerant in the heat exchanger is never discharged from the system. Instead, it goes through a network of pipes buried underneath the earth. The pipes warm the water, giving it enough heat for the refrigerant to absorb again. With an open-loop system, you don't have to worry about digging trenches and burying pipes — you can use your existing well and its pump to supply the water that your heat pump needs to function, then discharge it back into the local aquifer.

If you have a well on your property and you're trying to lower your heating bills in the winter, consider installing an open-loop geothermal heating system. It's easier to install than a closed-loop system, and the increased efficiency over other forms of heating will help you save a significant amount of money on your home's energy bills

For more information on geothermal heating, contact a professional near you.


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