How To Check For Duct Leaks In Your Central Air Conditioning System

Posted on: 20 November 2020

Duct leaks are bad for your home and your central air conditioning system. They rob your home of adequate cool air and force your AC to work harder to meet the preset thermostat temperatures. Thus, they are not only an inconvenience, but they can also shorten the lifespan of your system. If you suspect that your AC ducts are leaking, it's crucial to ascertain this and arrange for immediate repairs. Below are simple steps you can take to inspect your ductwork for leaks.
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Air Conditioning Problems That Keep You From Being Cool And Comfortable In Your Home

Posted on: 10 November 2020

If your air conditioner runs but doesn't keep you cool, you're just wasting money. Not only that, you may be hot and miserable. It's important to call an air conditioning repair service when your AC isn't working properly. An air conditioner that's struggling can wear out parts and lead to even more problems. Here are a few reasons why your AC may not be keeping you cool. Something Is Reducing Airflow
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HVAC Tips For When Your System Malfunctions

Posted on: 16 September 2020

Disruptions to your home's HVAC system can be immensely problematic. They can result in the home becoming too hot or cold. If this occurs during the times of the year when there are temperature extremes, it can create an emergency situation. Being prepared for these situations and knowing how to respond can be essential for minimizing the discomfort that you experience. Keep A Source Of Emergency Heat Or Cooling Available
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Air Conditioning Tips For Your Vacation Rental

Posted on: 8 September 2020

If you own a vacation home that you rent out to tourists, then you should pay attention to the air conditioning unit that you have in the home. Taking care of an air conditioning unit in a home that you rent out to others for vacations can be a little bit different from taking care of the air conditioning unit in your primary residence, but following these tips should make it a little bit easier.
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