• How To Fix Your Pilot Light

    You don't always need to call a heating expert to fix your furnace. While most advanced electrical and gas issues should definitely be serviced by professionals, there might be a simpler solution to your problem. One very common issue with a furnace is that the pilot light is not lit. This leaves your furnace unable to power on to produce and circulate hot air. Here is the safest way to check your pilot light and relight it if necessary.
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  • Five Reasons Clean HVAC Filters Are So Important

    Tips about maintaining HVAC systems often list the importance of cleaning or replacing your filter on a regular basis. In many cases, this is a step you can take on your own, or you can have an HVAC professional do it as part of your annual service appointment. However, you may be wondering why clean filters are so important? Here's a look at the top reasons. 1. Dirty Filters Affect Your Air Quality
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  • AC Repairs That Can Be Eliminated With Regular Maintenance

    AC repairs are never fun, especially in the middle of a hot summer. Fortunately, many AC repairs can be eliminated completely as long as you follow a regular maintenance schedule. Here are a few AC repairs that can easily be avoided: Water Leaks:  Water leaks from the AC system occur when the drain to release the moisture in the condensation coils is blocked. Instead of taking the water outside of the home, it is pooling inside, which can cause significant water damage in your home where ever the indoor unit is located.
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  • Why You Should Have An HVAC Technician Clean Your Duct Work

    At least once a year, you will want to call to set up an appointment with an HVAC technician in order to have all of your duct work cleaned. Continue to read through the following helpful points so you understand why it's important to have this inspection completed. It Gives Them A Chance To Spot Trouble You will want to make sure that all of your duct work in the house is in great shape before you turn on the forced air for the winter.
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  • Hide & Seek: 3 Ways to Keep Your Central Air Conditioner Out of Sight

    Your air conditioner does a great job of keeping your home cool and comfortable. Unfortunately, it's not going to win any beauty contests anytime soon. When it comes to beautifying your front or back yard, that telltale gray box that comprises your air conditioner's outdoor condensing unit tends to stick out like a sore thumb. As it turns out, it's not too difficult to keep your outdoor air conditioning unit out of sight.
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  • Home Cooling Tips For A New Home Owner

    When you are a new homeowner it can be a tad overwhelming. There are so many things you have to learn in order to keep your home and all its systems running smoothly. Just one of the many areas of concern you may have is your central HVAC unit. The good news is that this type of system is easy to maintain. The bad news is if you don't do the minimum required to keep it running smoothly then you can wind up spending a great deal of time and money dealing with problems.
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  • Four Things To Check Out If You Suspect An A/C Problem

    Protecting your air conditioner means paying attention to some issues before they cause the unit to fail. If you suspect something is going wrong, investigate the following. Faulty Filters   Sometimes an air conditioning problem can be resolved right away; this is especially true if the problem is that you haven't checked the house's filters in some time. If air is unable to pass freely throughout your system, the air that comes into your living spaces might not seem that strong and you may not feel as cool when you turn on your air conditioner.
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  • Should You Replace Or Repair Your A/C Unit? How To Know

    Your air conditioner is responsible for keeping you and your family cool in those sweltering summer months. An air conditioner isn't a necessity to have in your home, but it sure is a nice convenience to have. A breakdown of your air conditioner isn't something you want to have, although a repair here and there may not be too bad, but an excessive amount of repairs may put a serious dent in your pocket book.
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  • Is Your Air Conditioner Leaking Refrigerant?

    Inside the coils of your air conditioner, there is a liquid known as refrigerant. It is specially designed to expand and contract as it changes temperature. Its ability to absorb heat from the air is what allows your air conditioner to cool your home. One problem that can occur, however, is that the coil starts leaking refrigerant. Here's a closer look at this problem and how to tell if it's to blame for your air conditioner's issues.
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  • 3 Important Steps To Prepare Your Furnace For Summer

    Are you glad that summer has finally arrived? Do you not even want to think about winter now? Although cold winter weather may be the last thing that you want to consider once spring and summer weather come along, it's important to make sure that your home is ready for the next time cold weather rolls around. Aside from making sure that your home is properly insulated, something that helps in every season, keeping your furnace in working order is crucial to having a warm home in the winter.
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