
  • 3 Tips To Keep An Old Furnace Running

    Modern furnaces are relatively long-lasting. You may find estimates ranging from fifteen years up to a few decades for the average lifespan of a gas-fired furnace. While this long lifespan means that it's easy to get plenty of value for your money, it also means that many homeowners are operating relatively ancient units. Replacing an old furnace comes with substantial gains in reliability and efficiency but with a high price tag.
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  • Why Wait Until Summer? Great Reasons To Service Your AC Right Now

    Summer is still many months away, which means you're probably not too concerned about your air conditioner. However, if you want to be ready when the warm weather finally does arrive, you should take care of the AC maintenance right away. Many people postpone AC maintenance until summer, but that's not always the best approach. This is especially true in regions where temperatures can rise quickly.  That's why winter AC maintenance is such an important procedure.
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  • Understanding How Unnecessary Strain Can Damage Your Air Conditioner

    When the sweltering heat of summer hits, your air conditioner is your main line of defense to keep you comfortable. For that very reason, you want to make sure you keep your AC unit running in tip-top shape. Unfortunately, unnecessary strain can cause your AC to run harder than it needs to. Even more unfortunate is that unnecessary strain can shorten the lifespan of your air conditioner. Fortunately, there are ways to ensure your AC isn't overworked and repaired properly for your comfort and convenience.
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  • Wintertime Woes: Dealing With Early Season Heating Repairs

    In most of the country, HVAC usage follows a similar pattern. You probably start using your air conditioner in the late spring and turn it off for the season as summer draws to a close or early in the fall. On the other hand, late fall into early winter is when it's typically time to fire up the furnace, but what happens when your vents don't greet you with a comforting blast of warm air?
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  • Winter's Right Around The Corner: Is It Time For A New Furnace?

    With summer's heat fading into memory, it's time to start thinking about the changing leaves and other joys that come with the arrival of autumn. Unfortunately, fall also means cooler temperatures and potentially chilly nights. And, of course, winter is only a few short months away once the first days of fall arrive. In other words, the long months of ignoring your home's heating system have come to an end. If your furnace is several years old, a replacement may be in order.
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  • Top 4 Qualities To Consider When Looking For An HVAC Service Company

    Heating, ventilation, and cooling units are part of the must-have equipment for every homeowner. The constant change in outside temperature can affect your home's internal environment. You wouldn't want to be in a home with high humidity during summer or frozen drain water pipes during winter. When purchasing an HVAC unit, it is essential to hire an HVAC contractor for the installation. Installing an HVAC unit is complicated; it is, therefore, advisable to get the right person for the job.
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  • 4 Signs You Should Hire A Heating Repair Expert

    Nothing is more comforting during the cold season than having a heating system at home to keep you and your family warm. However, your heating system might need care and repair services to ensure that it works efficiently. Whether your heating system is a furnace, boiler, heat pump, solar, or electric, proper maintenance and timely repairs will extend its lifespan. That said, here are signs that you need to call in a heating repair technician.
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  • Exploring The Benefits Of A Home Energy Audit

    A home energy audit is designed to help you identify just how much energy you use in your home, where you may be wasting energy, and what steps you can take to make your home more energy-efficient. While the ability to help you save money on monthly energy costs is a clear benefit of this service, some of the other benefits that come along with the use of a home energy audit are not always quite so obvious.
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  • How To Improve The Indoor Air Quality Of Your Home To Help Your Child With Asthma And Allergies

    If you have a child that suffers from asthma and allergies, you're probably concerned about the air quality in your home. You can't do anything about the air quality outdoors or in your child's school, but you can make the air in your home as clean as possible. Start by talking to an indoor air quality professional. Some HVAC companies offer indoor air quality services since the equipment hooks up to your HVAC.
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  • Furnace Repairs That Will Improve the Efficiency and Performance of Your HVAC System

    Your furnace can have problems after a lot a long winter of keeping your home warm. These issues can also affect your HVAC system in general. Thus, you may want to have furnace repairs done to improve the efficiency and performance of your HVAC system. The following furnace repairs will improve the efficiency and performance of your HVAC system: Furnace Problems The first issue that you need to deal with is problems with your furnace.
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