Winter's Right Around The Corner: Is It Time For A New Furnace?

Posted on: 8 September 2021

With summer's heat fading into memory, it's time to start thinking about the changing leaves and other joys that come with the arrival of autumn. Unfortunately, fall also means cooler temperatures and potentially chilly nights. And, of course, winter is only a few short months away once the first days of fall arrive.

In other words, the long months of ignoring your home's heating system have come to an end. If your furnace is several years old, a replacement may be in order. The early fall is the perfect time to consider this upgrade since you've still got a little while before you need your heat.

How Do You Know If You Need a New Furnace?

When it comes to home HVAC, heating and cooling systems have an unfortunate tendency to fail when you need them the most, and that sometimes means finding yourself in the dead of winter with a frigid house. While a fall furnace failure might not leave you freezing, a breakdown in December or January can be disastrous.

A proactive replacement strategy can help you avoid these situations. Most manufacturers give a lifespan of about 10-25 years for their furnaces, although factors, such as your maintenance schedule, can influence their longevity. If your furnace is at least this old, then you need to consider the possibility of replacing it soon.

You should also be honest with yourself about your maintenance habits. Do you routinely change filters and schedule annual HVAC tune-ups? If not, your furnace is likely to die younger than a well-maintained unit. Likewise, high heating bills in previous winters or expensive repairs are also indications that your furnace might be approaching its end-of-life.

What Should You Do About An Aging Furnace?

Consider scheduling an inspection or tune-up as early in the fall as you can. Most HVAC services will be happy to double-up and inspect your entire heating and cooling system if you also have a central air conditioner.

Ask your technician to provide you with an honest assessment of your furnace's condition. If they tell you that your system is aging or will need expensive repairs in the future, then you may want to consider upgrading now to save yourself the hassle in the future. By scheduling this inspection early in the fall, you'll have plenty of time to consider your options and make the best possible decision.

For more information, contact a heating service in your area.


HVAC For The Layman

Do you remember the last time your air conditioner died? Although you might have been tempted to write off the problem as a simple quirk, serious air conditioning issues might mean that your family gets stuck living in a hot, humid, uncomfortable environment. I have been a homeowner for a long time, and you wouldn't believe how many times I have come across issues with my HVAC systems. I want you to know how to recognize the early signs of trouble, which is why I decided to put up this page. By reading here, you might be able to learn the intricacies of HVAC in layman's terms so that you can get things resolved as quickly as possible.