3 Repairs Your Furnace Might Need If It's Noisy

Posted on: 1 November 2022

Furnaces often become louder as they get older. It's common for homeowners to hear their older furnaces making noise and just shrug it off, perhaps with a comment like "well, that's how old furnaces are." But the thing is, the specific issues that cause older furnaces to be loud are usually quite easy for an HVAC contractor to repair. Here's a look at three possible explanations for the noise and how they can be fixed.
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How A Heating Maintenance Technician Cleans The Furnace Blower So It Can Blow Heat Into Your Home

Posted on: 28 September 2022

Annual heating maintenance gets your furnace ready for another cold winter. There are several parts of the furnace that need to be serviced and cleaned, and one important part is the blower. The blower runs all summer along with the AC, and it also runs when you just use the fan, so by winter it could be clogged with dust. Here's how a heating maintenance technician might go about cleaning the blower fan.
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Using Your Well To Power An Energy-Efficient Heating System: What You Need To Know About Open-Loop Geothermal Heating

Posted on: 28 September 2022

If you have a well on your property and you're looking for an energy-efficient way to keep your home comfortably warm during the winter, you should consider installing an open-loop geothermal heat pump. Traditional heat pumps absorb heat from the outside air, while open-loop geothermal heat pumps absorb heat from the water inside your well. During the coldest days of winter, the temperature of the water in your well will be much warmer than the temperature of the outside air, making a geothermal system much more efficient.
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Replacing Your Home's AC: What To Expect

Posted on: 8 September 2022

The heat of summer can be both brutal and miserable, especially when your home's air conditioner isn't working properly. Just thinking about replacing your air conditioning unit can make you feel stressed and anxious. You are likely worried about cost, how much time it is going to take out of your schedule, and what the process entails. Knowing what to expect can help relieve your anxiety and pave the way toward better comfort for you and your family.
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