Renewable Energy Improvements To Commercial AC And Other Systems That Cut Operations Costs

Posted on: 21 March 2019

The AC, refrigeration, boilers, and other mechanical systems installed in your business use a lot of energy. Therefore, you want to do whatever is possible to save energy and reduce your energy costs. Today, there are options like geothermal HVAC, thermal storage, and solar energy to provide your business with renewable resources. The following are some of the ways you can reduce the energy costs of commercial AC and other mechanical systems your business uses daily.

Solar Thermal Energy That Is Used by HVAC and Commercial Boilers

If your business uses boilers and has high heating costs during the winter months, solar energy is a good solution to add renewable resources to your business. These systems can be thermal systems that use solar water heaters to provide energy to your mechanical systems. With a complete energy system design for your business, solar thermal energy can also be integrated into geothermal systems to maximize savings when you invest in energy improvements.

Adding a Geothermal Design to AC and Mechanical Installations

Geothermal mechanical designs are one of the best solutions to improve the energy efficiency of commercial mechanical systems like AC and refrigeration. These systems work as thermal exchangers that use the consistent temperature of the soil deep below the surface to provide energy to cooling and heating systems with energy. In a commercial application, the geothermal loop may go from the ground to a boiler, where the energy is used and produces cold waste, which can go to AC and refrigeration. This type of design creates a complete cycle of thermal exchange to maximize energy efficiency.

Installing a Commercial HVAC Heat Pump for an Energy-Efficient AC Solution

Some commercial businesses only need minimal HVAC systems. For a small retail business or office, it may not be cost-effective to invest in large energy-efficient mechanical designs. Instead, consider options like commercial AC heat pumps to upgrade the air conditioning of your business and reduce your monthly energy bills. Heat pumps will also give your business an energy-efficient solution for heating your business to get more from your investment in energy efficiency.

Rooftop Solar Panels That Can Be Used to Power Commercial AC Systems

Rooftop solar panels are another great solution to provide your business with renewable resources. You can install a solar panel array that can be used to power AC components like blowers, fans, and other components. If you have enough real estate on the roof of your business, larger solar panel arrays can be used to power the AC completely and provide energy for other things like lighting.

These are some of the different improvements to add renewable energy to commercial AC and other mechanical systems to improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs. If you need help with improvements to your business, contact a commercial AC service and talk to them about some of these renewable energy options. 


HVAC For The Layman

Do you remember the last time your air conditioner died? Although you might have been tempted to write off the problem as a simple quirk, serious air conditioning issues might mean that your family gets stuck living in a hot, humid, uncomfortable environment. I have been a homeowner for a long time, and you wouldn't believe how many times I have come across issues with my HVAC systems. I want you to know how to recognize the early signs of trouble, which is why I decided to put up this page. By reading here, you might be able to learn the intricacies of HVAC in layman's terms so that you can get things resolved as quickly as possible.